MSc Environment and Development
Cardiff, Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte
1 Years
Tempo total
Solicitar prazo de inscrição
Sep 2025
GBP 23.450 / per year *
No campus
* for overseas | for home: £10,700
Bolsas e Financiamento
We are committed to investing up to a total of £500,000 in this high-value competitive scholarship scheme to support UK students who are planning to start an eligible Master’s programme in 2024/25.
Each Scholarship is worth £3,000 and will be awarded a tuition fee discount.
UK students are eligible to apply for the Scholarship. You normally need to have achieved at least a 2.1 or equivalent in your first degree to be eligible. You need to submit an application to study at Cardiff University and be made an offer to study before your fee status can be confirmed.
You will take taught modules to the value of 120 credits over two semesters between October and May, taking 60 credits each semester. You will complete a dissertation worth 60 credits between June and September. The classification of your degree is based on two-thirds of the average grade of the taught modules and one-third of the grade of your dissertation.
Core Modules for Year One
- Environmental Policy and Climate Change
- Principles and Practices of Environmental Governance
- Environment and Development
- Research Methods
- Dissertation
Optional Modules for Year One
- Environmental Management
- Planning and Real Estate
- Planning for Sustainability
- Urban and Regional Development in Practice
- Sustainable Food Systems
How Will I Be Assessed?
You will undertake a variety of assessments during the programme, determined by the modules you select.
Each 20-credit module will be assessed by a 4000-word essay or equivalent. Most modules have at least two different modes of assessment with each weighted pro rata to an equivalent of a 4000-word essay overall. For instance, a 3000-word essay is worth 75% and a 15-minute presentation is worth 25%.
The different modes of assessment include written essays (including short essays and critical review essays), presentations (both individual and in groups), group work, report writing, poster presentations, reflective journals, consultancy reports, reports on statistical analysis and an individual dissertation. The dissertation is worth 60 credits and is 20,000 words maximum.
Resultado do programa
What Skills Will I Practise and Develop?
Knowledge & Understanding
On successful completion of the Programme you will be able to demonstrate:
- A critical understanding of theoretical debates, ideological constructions and application of development models, taking into account key dynamics in environmental change, public policies and regulation and exploring alternatives and opportunities
Intellectual Skills
Após a conclusão bem-sucedida do Programa, você será capaz de demonstrar:
- Independent and critical understanding of the multiple interactions between environment and development from a theoretical, methodological and practical point of view
- Advanced skills in independent research and analysis (including formulating and carrying out a critical research agenda)
- Advanced knowledge of quantitative and qualitative methods and associated data management and analysis
- Critical appreciation and interpretation of theoretical debates and empirical data
Professional Practical Skills
On successful completion of the Programme you will be able to demonstrate:
- An ability to analyse the problems of the interface between development and environmental change and begin to identify potential responses and alternatives within policy and regulatory frameworks
Transferable/Key Skills
On successful completion of the Programme you will be able to demonstrate:
- The ability to organise, analyse and critically present complex ideas and evidence orally and in written form
- The ability to work independently
- The ability to work collaboratively in groups and to plan and conduct empirical research
Taxa de matrícula do programa
Oportunidades de carreira
Após a conclusão do programa, você poderá trabalhar em uma ampla gama de carreiras de desenvolvimento e gestão ambiental, incluindo empregos em organizações públicas, privadas e do Terceiro Setor. Isto pode envolver a elaboração de políticas (por exemplo, sobre recursos naturais, energia, transportes, planeamento urbano e rural, conservação agroalimentar ou ambiental), consultoria sobre desenvolvimento local e internacional, ou regulamentação ambiental, e gestão de projetos.
Você também estará bem posicionado para realizar estudos adicionais para uma carreira acadêmica em desenvolvimento e estudos ambientais.
Program delivery
How Will I Be Taught?
Você será ensinado por meio de uma combinação de palestras, seminários e laboratório de informática e trabalho em estúdio, quando relevante.
As palestras assumem vários formatos, mas geralmente fornecem uma estrutura ampla para cada assunto, apresentam conceitos-chave e transmitem informações relevantes e atualizadas.
Nos seminários, você terá a oportunidade de discutir temas ou tópicos específicos para consolidar e obter feedback sobre seu aprendizado individual e desenvolver suas habilidades de apresentação oral.
No laboratório de informática e no trabalho de estúdio, você terá a oportunidade de aprender vários métodos de pesquisa, como GIS e estatística, dependendo dos módulos que você cursa.
Você praticará e desenvolverá habilidades intelectuais e de apresentação participando de diversas atividades de aprendizagem, como discussões em pequenos grupos, debates, apresentações orais, tarefas de pesquisa independentes e trabalhos escritos. Você também aprimorará suas habilidades de trabalho em equipe.